Monday, April 03, 2006

on our way to Guangzhou

We're at the airport now, on our way to the mainland. Yesterday the tour was interesting. We went to Victoria Peak, Aberdeen Fish Market, a shopping district and then had a dim dum lunch. this is the standard tour. In the afternoon, we went to the HK history museum. I wasn't really interested in the geology exhibits, but the cultural exhibits were weel done and informative. Accross the street was church so Lee and I went to an English mass. We tried so hard to stay up late but we finally gave up and passed out about 8:30. We woke up at about 4:30.

I am so keyed up right now. I cannot believe that tomorrow we will meet our daughter. Not only is meeting this the culmination of over a year of paper work and waiting, but this is my daughter. In some ways I feel that I have been waiting my whole life to meet her. Already when I look at her picture I know her. She is already familiar to me.

I can't wait to discover her and what she likes and dislikes then to see her grow and change, what an honor to be a parent!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . .So excited for you. Can't wait to read about your "meeting." E:)

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tracy & Lee, I am sooo excited for y'all. Congratulations once again.

11:18 PM  

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